marlz. daughter. sister. friend. cousin. girl. 1988. born to die.
torstaina, joulukuuta 30, 2004
well well. got back from Jyväskylä on Tuesday. all details in the previous 2 posts. i know i know, its in Finn. but i shall not explain. go find out yourself if you like. and, if you're thinking of using those translator thingies that you find online. well, too bad. its sorta in Karelian slang. you won't get the correct translation.
so well. i was dead tired when i came back since it was 8 pm, and i hardly slept a wink. no, not bcos of horrible sleep. if you haven't met your cuzzies in 10 years you do have alot to talk abt. just like Noora and Sonja and me. so we chatted and played nights away. hehe.
anyways, yesterday Suvi asked me out. i seriously thought i was going to a disco since she said 'disco music' and 'disco lights' on the phone. isoäiti said it was ok so well, i went. though i was frightened out of my wits. so, i met Suvi and Hanna, her friend at 6.30 downstairs. then i found out that we were going bowling. höh. totally heard the wrong thing. when to the sports centre and though the bowling alley was open, she said we had to wait till 7.30. i spent some time wondering why. so well, we waited and Hanna's friend Marisa came along too. so these young ppl were all gathering there waiting for 7.30. we paid the fee for the shoes and stuff and finally 7.30 was one minute away. then i found out why i thought it was a disco and why she had mentioned disco on the phone. the lights when out. then out came the disco ball and POOF! the bowling alley turned into a disco. well, i lie slightly *laughs hysterically*. it was acherlie disco bowling night. as it is every Wed and Fri at the bowling alley. i haven't bowled for years and i also hardly knew how to bowl when i did try. but it was fun. disco music and disco lights and bowling balls that glowed neon pink and orange and green. and there were many ppl and it was so very fun. it went off quite badly at first, so many gutter balls. but then...STRIKE. and wow, the feeling. man, it was cool. my shirt and ppls shirts were glowing too. some lighting effect. so well, finally our one hr was up and then we went home. Suvi's mom sent me home and i plopped into bed. tired.
so today i was fetched by Meri and Suvi at noon. i was to go over to their place. isi's old friend Qvistin Markku. yup. nice hse. they had their cuzzie along who had come aft Christmas to stay. she was really nice, and pretty too. half indian and half finn. cool. really indian looking. we talked alot and their mom cooked us some pasta and stuff. then we chatted more and then left with Meri and Suvi to send their cuzzie off to the train station to buy tickets for Helsinki where she came from. So fun that Meri has a driving license. and she says that she remembers mummy too. hehe. anyhooos, they then sent me home and came up for some tea. then they had to leave to go to the hospital to see their g.mother. and here i am blogging. school starts next week monday. well. goodnite and nothing more for now.
12/30/2004 05:37:00 ip.
no, Jyväskylästä taas. toinen päivä siellä Noora ja Sonja vei minua luistelemaan. meni HUONOSTI. en osanut yhtään luistella, mutta mie kyl osasin olla pystyssä. en katuunut ollenkaan. hahahahah. Noora osaa luistella hyvin ja osaa plajon temppujakin. Sonja ei oikeesti tykänyt luistella ja myö meni vaihtamaan omille kengkille. Myö katsoi sittä Harry Potteri elokuva mikä Noora ja Sonja sai illalla ruuan jälkee ja sitten meni takaisiin sinne Trivial Pursuit. Myö katsoi Maja Poppanenkin. Mutta Trivial Pursuit oli hassu kun Noora ei muistanut missä oli Vilmanstrand ja mie tiesin. hehe. Se koira meni nukkumaan minun jalan päälle mutta se oli ihan kuiva.
Kolmas päivä minä meni Sonjan kan pulkamaelle. olis ollut hyvin kiva mutta sen Mikko setän saappaat oli valtavan isoja ja aina lähti irti kun mie koittin mennä sinne ylös. oli se aika kiva kuitenkin. mie olin ihan liko märkä sen jälkee ja pitaisi mennä heti saunaan riisumaan vaateita. illalla myö meni saunaan ja ei myö oikee tehnyt oikeen muuta. Säsäkin meni pois kolmas päivä.
Viiminen päivä Jyväskylässä mie vaan pakkasin. oli kiva siel Nooran and Sonjan kans. Sonja ja mie teki kaneli pulla ennen kuin se linja auto tuli ja myö katsoi Muumilakson tarinoitakin. Myö meni sitten ostamaan liput ja kaikki ja meni kotiin.
12/30/2004 05:26:00 ip.
tiistaina, joulukuuta 28, 2004
suomen kieli
no, mie haluasin kirjoitaa tää kertaa suomen kieliks isille vaikka hän oli ilkeä ja nauroi minulle kun kaatuin tuo päivä. vaikka mie soitin suomesta singaporeen HÄNEN takia.
juu, meni joulu aatona jyväskylaan bussilla. oli aika pitkä matka, 3 tuntia ja vähän ennemminkin. aamulla myö söi se joulu puuroa. mie sain mantelin! hehehe...sitten myö otti kaikki laukut alakertaan ja meni odotamaan sitä linja autoa. oli pika vuoro. sain salmiakki isoäidille kun olin nälkä. oli hyvin kaunis päivä ja oli hyvä ilma ulkona. aurinko tuli ulos ja myö näki kuukin. sitten mie näki valkoinen hevonen kun molemmat paistoi. isoäiti sanoi etta se oli joku onnen merkki ja sain toivomus. päh. ei mitään tapahtunut. Mikkelissä säsä näytti minulle se Mikkelin Vankila. en oo ikinä nähnyt niin hienoa vankila. Mikkeli oli tosi hieno kaupungki. oli aika ikävä matka sen jälkee kun ei ollu mittään muuta nähdä kun puita. mäntyä kyl oli paljon.
Leena tätä tai Lieppo täti niinkuin isi sanoo oli pienempi kun mie. hän tuli hakemaan meitä mut minulla oli pakko mennä vessaan. sen hullun vessan valot sammutti vaikka mie oli viel sisällä. ja se maksoi 50 sentiä käytää sitä vessa. höh. se linja auto asema oli iso ja ihana paikka. myö sitten meni sinne Leena tädin kotiin. se ei ollu niin iso kun mie kuvitelin mut kyl se on paljon isompi kun meiän talo. se hullu koira Hugo tuli oveen haukkumaan meille vaikka myö seisoi vaan rauhallisesti. säsä sanoi että kyl se on sairas ja että se on vähän hullu kun uskaltaa purree Leena tätiäkin. mut ne laitoi sen kiinni sinne seinään aina kun se rähisee ja näytää hampaat. kyl se hullu koira tajua etta se paikka on hänen 'vankila' kun se on niin surullisen näköinen siellä.
myö sitten meni syömaan. minulla oli oma kalkkuna ja kaikki muut söi kinkkua. en oikee jaksanut kaikkia. mut se savu lohta ja kylmä savu lohta oli hyvä. Noora ja Sonja ovat molemmat hyvin kauniita ja oikeen hyviä serkkuja. tykän niistä hirveesti. no, sitten myö meni aukasemaan lahjoja. kyl minulla oli paljon. sain pyjamat isoädiltä. ja se kirja pikku prinssi englanniks. tik tak levyä Mikko sedältä. sukat Leena tädiltä. mie sain suklaa Milja tädiltä. Rahaa ja sukat Nooran ja Sonjan tädiltä. Noora ja Sonja antoi paras lahjat. Sonja antoi SALMIAKKIA. yks iso pussi erilaista salmiakkia. Noora antoi hunaaja saippua. kiitos *mwah* oli muita lahjojakin mut mie en jaksa muista kaikki. Sonjalla oli eniten lahjoja. sitten Säsä sai sama kirja lahjaks Leena tadiltä ja Mikko sedältä. no isi, ei se Mikko setä oo yhtään kommunistin näköinen vaikka sie välität että hän on. hän on oikein kiva mieskin ja kysyi mite sie jaksat ja onko kaikki hyvin ja lähetti terveisiä.
sitten myö joi kahvia, Mikko setä teki joulu torttuja ja sitten myö pelasi Trivial Pursuit. oli aika kiva. mie meni nukkumaan sitten Sonjan huonessa Nooran kans. se hullu koira meni haukkumaan yöllä. senkin hullu koira eläin. mokomaki koira.
mie en oikee jaksa nyt kirjoitaa kaikki nyt kun just tuli sieltä jyväskylästä. kirjoitan sitten huomenna aamulla kun se on jo myöhä ja olen väsynyt. hyvää yötä.
12/28/2004 07:34:00 ip.
torstaina, joulukuuta 23, 2004
another HORRIBLE nights sleep. back aches. sickening. toss turn toss turn. in the end i fell asleep somehow, but i didn't sleep long. woke up bcos they were doing lumi työ outside. translated directly, its means snow work. which happens to mean that they clear the snow from the roads so that vehicles can move.
it did not rain during last nights storm, but it snowed continuously and its still snowing. a tremendous amount of snow came last night and the cars parked at the street outside are buried in it. so thus the 'snow work'. the winds are slowing down, so its safe to go out again. but they are still howling about the windows. thank goodness there is no rain though.
well, today is going to be a busy busy day, since tomorrow we are leaving in the morning for jyväskylä. a 3 hr trip by bus. i can just imagine how much my butt will ache after that. gosh.
super duper tired. but cannot sleep have to go out. and today is also the virallinen sauna päivä. thats what i'm looking for. *yawns*
well, when i can update more i will. and if i can manage to upload my gingerbread making pics. and independance day pics. then i will. for now, tata
12/23/2004 08:39:00 ap.
keskiviikkona, joulukuuta 22, 2004
today. myrsky varoitus. in other words, storm warning. worst storm in the year is heading our way. strong winds at 27m/s. ppl warned to stay indoors, and also warned that wind can cause trees to fall and tear roofs of your houses. wind will be most severe at high points. a mixture of snow and water rain will be expected. my first storm. see what happens.
in the morning i woke up aft another bad nights sleep. what did i do while i was awake alone in the wee hours of the morning? well, i played classical music. yep, found so many cds that i decided to go through each of them. found some truly gorgeous music. mahler, tchaikovsky and chopin. mozart. beethoven. even britten. my g.parents hse is like a music library for those who are mad abt classical music. and there is even other stuff like reggae and pop. found rasmus. beatles, beegees, elvis, and jazz like louis armstrong and gdness knows what else. haven't found the time to go through all of them.
so this morning i woke up, went out to develop photos. met some friends of isoäiti's at the bank (aka pankki tytöt) and then went to meet lea, isoäiti's and säsä's therapist. physiotherapist. i hope that's spelt right. never was one to get medical stuff and names correct. anyways, then we went to collect the photos. paid a visit to irmeli täti (irmeli lallo, this is for isi, btw that jere i was talking abt to you is her son) to pay for the savu lohta. then went to by parsely, honey and isoäiti went to get a pressie for hugo, noora's and sonja's doggie. then came home
called home in sg. had an ok chat. things are going fine here so yea.
more pics frm today.
presenting marlz the cleaner
its 9 am. so i'm not exactly a morning person. so what
licourice ice cream. yum.
thats in isoäiti's room, reading
and finally, a view of raastuvankatu frm my balcony with the sun shining
12/22/2004 02:30:00 ip.
tiistaina, joulukuuta 21, 2004
more pics
haha, more pics. but not of the lapp hut.
above : me and säsä walking at the tori. below : me at the eng playsch
above : me and suvi in suvi's room below : suvi's mom and dad, my dad's gd friends
above : me out side playsch. below: my old playsch teacher, säsä and me
no more for now, but more pics are being developed. finally i know how to use the scanner!
12/21/2004 06:45:00 ip.
pics can be uploaded!
well, well. i got NO sleep last night. i couldn't get to sleep at all. went to bed at 11 pm, and only went to sleep only at 5 or 6 am. i tossed and turned like mad, and i really thought i was going mad. couldn't sleep at all.
today. woke up very very late. around 12, so super bad sleep. and then had to clean up cos suvi was coming over. suvi came over and we went out to town again. had a blast again. shopped around and had loads of fun. then came home and watched that stupid soap opera 'kauniit ja rohkeat' since there was nothing else to watch. laughed over how stupid that show was.
my nose bled today. bled bled bled. stupid nose.
well, nothing much. can't wait to go see noora and sonja when we go over to their place during christmas at jyväskylä. really, my finn has improved by leaps and bounds and i'm confident that i'll communicate well with them. and the fact that they do understand english is definitely a plus.
yea, her birthday's on the 22nd, and i love my mummy very much. so there. also sent her a lil gift in the mail.
and a lil surprise. i finally got pics to post!! esp for crystal since she requested for them first. not many, and i look, as per normal, horrible in the pics. but i will post them anyways. the pics taken in the lapin kota.
thats the fire in the lapin kota (lapp hut)
thats when we first arrived in the lapin kota. haven't taken my jacket off yet.
looking somewhere far away
me and my tikku makkara! and säsä in the back.
säsä and his makkara
us outside the lapin kota
closer look. ok fine, so i look sad. bleah. dun ask why
12/21/2004 06:31:00 ip.
maanantaina, joulukuuta 20, 2004
doran goldleaves
today. it snowed all day yesterday. and it didn't melt today. got to see how pretty raastuvankatu actually is.
some nasty things happened today. shan't elaborate.
jake got my card! so it didn't get 'stuck in transit' like he said. thank goodness. and i think by now my eric has received his too.
i really must say how much i appreciate jake. never, ever has someone stuck by me as a friend like he has. so i wanted to say thank you. really. you the bestest bestest bestest friend and brother that i've ever had.
back to today. like i said. nasty things. some guests came over. looked at photos. then sent some photos home. did nothing much. painted some. after that went out with säsä to post some letters and go for a walk. was kind of dark already. saw a chinese couple in k-mart. they looked at me long. i told you. i don't fit in.
came home. popped some. did nothing much but revelled in EAP.
12/20/2004 06:50:00 ip.
sunnuntai, joulukuuta 19, 2004
lapin kota
watched the shining last night. quite okay. not scary AT all. don't know what the fuss about it was.
today. woke up fairly early. then isoäiti said that we are going out. went to vehkataipale, but not to uusirinteentie. was very beautiful out there. the drive was long. but it was a lovely drive. i realise that i have fallen in love with trees. the evergreens under the heavy load of snow. and on the drive you see so many trees you can't imagine. on every side of the road, trees trees and more trees. we went in the aftnoon, around the sininen hetki time. today was more of a harma hetki though. like isoäiti said, " today brings postcard weather." well. so we reached the house.
and guess what, we didn't go into the house. it was quite dark by then. i had some fun making snow balls. then we went to the lapin kota. its this lapp hut made in their lawn. so nice. its like those lil huts you see on tv. totally made of wood, with a fire burning in the middle. smallish, but not medium sized. and there is a hole at the top to allow the smoke to escape. i can't really put it in words. its that pretty.
so we had quite a treat there with isoäiti's friends matti and helena. well. i saw the old house but no one was there. in the kota the fire warmed us. there was that smell of burnt wood. that smoky smell. really liked it alot. the rosy embers cast a warm glow on the walls and the slanted ceiling. i made a tikku makkara! that is, burning a sausage on a stick before the fire. we ate some, i sampled the taateli kakku and pulla. and the tuoreeta leipä tehtu taikinasta just meiän eessä. really really nice. was dark and all, and it felt as if we were really in lappland. like we had escaped the real world. there were reindeer antlers adorning the ceiling. and also there were lil lanterns burning and tuikkuja there, really set the atmosphere. also there was some lammas nahka and poro nahka that the lapps used when they sleep. spent some hours there. its been some time since i enjoyed myself. i feel contented for now. the smoke + Edgar Allen Poe. what bliss.
when we came out we realised how much it had snowed. just hope it becomes colder so that the snow doesn't go away. the drive home was nice as well. Matti and Helena were very nice ppl. was really nice to get to know them.
back to my Edgar Allen Poe. nitenite
12/19/2004 06:30:00 ip.
first snow
i decided to do this small. i do know why. thats how i feel.
small. strain your eyes. i don't care. its none of my business if you do. this is for me. for me and me alone. i don't even know how to say it. too many things at a time. its emotional overload. i tried my best. i did. i promised. but it didn't work. i'm still trying. be patient. my brain is creating thoughts. but they pass by so fast that i can't catch up. my thoughts run away, and i'm left chasing them. did you ever feel so tired after you think and think? i don't feel tired. i feel exhausted. its still floating up there. in my head. and i'm still chasing it. i don't know when i'll collapse from exhaustion. i might, i just might. and then, i don't know if i'll have enough to get up and chase again.
12/19/2004 08:54:00 ap.
lauantaina, joulukuuta 18, 2004
a tuneless silence
today. went to library. discovered, under the extremely small english books section, a gem of all books. a compilation of every story and poem written by my ultimate idol. Edgar Allen Poe. i mean, hallo. Edgar Allen Poe. the master of all masters. the creme de la creme. the big kahuna. how could i resist temptation? i borrowed it. still dazed and reeling from the shock of the discovery of that book. i already read the first. feel like devouring the whole book, but i have to tell myself to slow down. read them one by one. enjoy it word for word, leaving no word untouched. goodness. lady luck seems to be smiling on me today.
forgive me if my post today seems very incomplete. its the book. it really is.
yesterday i left off at the sauna. did nothing after that but wrap presents. and wrap presents. and then sleep. again, my dreams were very much broken. i remember seeing a tree, standing alone, the sky darkening. the tree is barren. no leaves are upon its branches. the sky goes on as if it never ends. unmarred by a single cloud. and the wind blows. its cold, it cuts you like millions of tiny little knives. but yet, as it tortures you, it brings you a sense of peace. and the tree sways, it sways. the sky darkens some more. soon, all i saw was that black tree swaying in the wind. its movements draw me towards it. but i cannot explain it. no i cannot. i go closer. the tree fades away. i wake up. only was one part of my dream. that windy dream. i felt a draught in the room when i woke up. it left me wondering.
perhaps its just the Edgar Allen Poe.
so i woke up. i decided to watch some tv. Up North. this mtve show. yes, mtve. not mtv. basically the chart is abt the top 20 videos from Scandinavia. its really good. Scandinavian artist can really hold their own against the American and British artists. black metal, hip hop, alternative rock. you name it, you got it. my fave band is currently at the top of the chart. saybia. song name : surrender. very nice.
there is also Dhani with his song Girl Talk. pretty boy, that one. then there is this beautiful girl with a very catchy song. Fake your beauty. here's a list of songs i like. i can't remember all the artists. but check it out at
saybia : sweet surrender
the hives : 2 timing touching broken bones
dhani : girl talk
-do not remember-: Fake Your Beauty
nightwish : i wish i had an angel
and the list goes on. tuning into the radio here isn't that bad either.
just to tell a hilarious story. it is a true account of what happened to me 2 nights ago. you might be horrified. be warned.
säsä went out for some meeting and isoäiti had this pikku joulu juhla on, so i was to stay alone at home. isoäiti let me light one tuikku, or small candle in this cute candle holder in a shape of a little hut. very elf-like. so well, i sat by the candle for the whole time she was gone and then säsä came home. so i went to my room. i finally got bored of tv, and decided to go wash the dishes and clean up a little. and finish my homework. when i reached the kitchen i saw the lil hut in the kitchen. i just shrugged it off as i thought säsä had put it there. when isoäiti came home i found out what really happened.
säsä came into the room and told isoäiti that the mökki (lil hut) was dangerous. why? bcos it caught on fire while säsä was asleep. apparently, there was not enough air supply to that small candle flame and it made the thing catch fire. the fire grew and grew until it nearly reached the
cloth lanp shade. but luckily säsä put it out. all without a sound. thank goodness. or we would have all burnt to a crisp.
today. aft Edgar Allen Poe. what else but rush home and read it. my eyes got tired and my palms got sweaty. so i decided to blog to calm down.
oh yes, isi....i had savu haili AND lakritsi jätskiä. TWICE. jealous yet?
some poem abt my dream. by, me
my sweet surrender
that beautiful silence
accompanies my loneliness
that solitude
that peace
that tuneless song of the wind
that howls,
roars around my ears
it makes me sway
like that young sapling i used to be
the keen air
so cold
so cold
it scathes me
cuts me like a knife
torturous yet soothing
that paintless painting
that endless blue
marred not by cloud
it envelops me
embracing me
in its neverending consistency
the slow drift
flakes like feather
so cool
so cool
lightly landing
leaving the land before my feet
in a bed of white
that pulsing,
that silent rhythm i hear within me
it waits patiently
for its awakening
the flurry
it ruffles my spirit
mixed thoughts
coarse through my head
but it settles,
it settles
before awakening
it returns me
to sweet surrender
that is it. i wonder, if it is of usual standard. or just something that seems like slipshod work. Edgar Allen Poe was resented among other writers. one even claimed that he delivered slipshod writing. but enough of him. i bore you. goodnight.
i surrender myself
into the arms of a beautiful stranger
i surrender myself to you...
saybia, sweet surrender
12/18/2004 07:28:00 ip.
perjantaina, joulukuuta 17, 2004
had problems sleeping last night again. i do remember something of my broken dreams. a tiger. a huge magnificent tiger. thats all i remember and waking up to isoäiti's voice on the phone. bothersome bothersome bothersome.
today. virallinen sauna päivä. last day of school. i thought i was late for school since almost a kilometer to the school. 7 min to 1 pm and my lesson starts at 1.15 pm. i ran out of the house. i was just at the bridge, around 400 m away frm the school and the church bell sounded. 1 pm. i took 7 min to run half a kilometer. i'm slow. i'm always slow, but i'm slower than usual i think. i don't know. its been ages since i ran the 2.4 km test. there is a test here for the students as well, but its over. they only have to go through pe once this year. and thats it. the course lasts around 2 weeks. 2 weeks of games, and one test. what bliss. thats like, pe everyday for 2 weeks. sigh. they're test is different. 12 minutes and you run round a track. aft 12 minutes you stop at your place and they see how much you ran. and then, no more tests. even if you fail. but don't blame me for running to school slower than usual. its hard to run on ice without slipping. which is exactly what i did.
school was only 45 min of eng. and then we also didn't use the book. we only played games and sang christmas carols. aft that we went home. and those lucky fellows got no homework for their hols. so totally unlike us. we have to do tons of homework and get 'christmas pressies' aka homework and hol classes. they don't. just plain hols all the way.
ran round lake. ran up the stairs. ran home. it was getting dark anyways, so i had to go home. 3 pm and its dark. saw the principal. he said hi. said hi. of all things.
have to go sauna. later.
12/17/2004 01:08:00 ip.
torstaina, joulukuuta 16, 2004
i'm turning nocturnal. turn in at 11 or 12. toss, turn, toss, turn. get up, drink water. read a few paragraphs of LOTR. toss turn toss turn. until i sleep at around 2 or 3. its not that i don't want to sleep. i cannot sleep. and what do i do in the time i toss and turn? i think. yep. i plead guilty to thinking before sleeping. but i cannot really help it.
i try all my sleeping positions. try to see which helps me to close my eyes and sleep better. none work. i end up waking up many times at night, for reasons i don't know. my dreams, they're broken and faded. so strong one moment, so faint the next. when i wake all i remember are small lil parts, small broken parts of my dreams. not even a whole part sometimes. i just remember that strange person. or that strange thing i saw. i don't have my normal dreams anymore. weird and disturbing as they were, i wish they come back. at least, i can sleep soundly through those dreams.
i woke up very tired this morning. went to school. history. thought the teacher was late. the teacher was not late. he was in imatra. saw him on screen. all history lessons involve video conferencing. this will be the last history lesson for the term. and the hols start. frm this fri till 3 Jan. so we just discussed Gustav and his reformations. Swedish rule and the parts of the centralized state. nvm. long story. Kati had a swedish test after that, so she wasn't there for English. Mitjo gave me a nice smile this morning. the only person who did smile and said hi. no one else did. Kati did in class, but outside, i was all alone. doing nothing. the English teacher Kopponen gave me a smile too. she's very nice. she went and got a book for me to use during english lessons.
handed in my essay today. don't really have to bother about it until next term. Jan. sigh. wished i would can get it back earlier.
watched that show on wed nights : Queer Eye for a Straight Guy. some makeover show. done by 5 gay men. nvm. its fun.
went to that wind concert. had a junior wind orchestra. they weren't very good. reminds me of crestwinds 'under the sea' days. the second was a ensemble of eupho kids who were barely in school yet, they just started 3 months ago. went terribly wrong. nobody watched the conductor or listened to each other.
senior orchestra. not that good either. something around COP or bronze standard. there were a few good ppl there. the first trumpet was marvelous. she supported her whole section alone without a single note off pitch, or a break in her sound. very good air support. the trumpets weren't that bad altogether, but the thirds and seconds could not be heard. the trumpet solo was executed perfectly. first clarinets. kinda squeaky. but otherwise were ok. first flute was good. performed all running passages and unlike most flute sections they could be heard. there was only one tuba player. he did a great job. there was only one french horn, he did ok. bassoon was a dissapointment, as were the euphos. hardly could be heard. oboe was good. percussion. not bad but not good either. i think their problem was not having proper repertoire. they could have done better if they're pieces were chosen better.
nothing much. just very bummed. very very bummed. thats how it goes i guess. its not bcos of my surroundings. its also not bcos of school. the classmates are nice, just that they don't know me. i accept that. they teachers and the principal are nice ppl as well, always go out of their way to see that i'm comfy. its not bcos i'm staying here.
i find relief momentarily. its the times when i make myself almost late for school so that i can run to school. feel the wind in my face. cool air. and not think, just run. its the running. it helps me not think. but i can't run all the time. i'd get so tired. i ran home too. ran, as if something was hot on my heels. its not wise i know to run on ice. to run when its slippery. but when i run, and fall. it makes me laugh. like i always do. fall and laugh.
nvm about that. have to go. good nite to all.
12/16/2004 02:11:00 ip.
keskiviikkona, joulukuuta 15, 2004
christmas cheer is overrated. bah. what cheer. i aint cheerful. half the time i don't know whats happening. or pretend not to. and smile. gosh. i'm no hymy tyttö. not at all. but i'm forced to be one. they want you to be kohtelias. and i have to deal with many old friends, i'm practically that hymy tyttö all the time. argh. crummy time still. very crummy.
so. what did i do yesterday. went to school. duh. history. more on the middle ages. abt finland under swedish rule and the continuation of the fight over finn land. the same old. video conferencing i mean. imatra ppl didn't get a chance to play arnd this time, was only a one hour lesson. so we just finished off the thing and went home. not much aft that.
today. no school. don't ask me why, my timetable just happens to be that way. so. went to tiimari and some other places to hunt for some christmas gifts for my relatives who celebrate christmas. just bought some stuff here and there, nothing pricey. however, i did spot loadsa pricey stuff there. can't wait for aft christmas when things are cheaper. i can shop more then, and there'll be more bargains and discounts. did some further shopping. isoäiti bought some candles and christmas decorations. went grocery shopping. then went home. and i still have not spent my 50 euros. which is a good thing. thank you Pipsa täti for your christmas money.
now i am waiting to go to a concert. 2 hrs more to go. some wind orchestra from the music school nearby. must see. miss band. miss band so much.
lappeenranta is so small, you're prolly somehow connected to everyone. or so my grandmother has proven. i hardly know my classmates and the next thing i know, isoäiti just finds the names and already she knows who half of them are, or knows their neighbours, or knows their grandparents, etc etc, etc. talk abt networking. sheesh. today we met so many friends of isi's. that day i met isi's teacher. and then i met isi's old friend. and then there was isi's old friend's brother, and then isi's friends son. blah blah blah. gosh.
so besides classmates, there is this girl, Meri, in school who i am supposed to know. and also this boy Topi, who knows me but i am totally unaware of. but i do happen to guess who he is. this guy, hangs outside my class all the time since he is in the opposite class. kinda tall, brown eyes, brown hair. how do i know its him? he gives me that stare. as if he's trying to figure out who i am. and he fits the description. lately, the stare has changed to a look that says 'i know you'and to a lil smirk. but kind of a loner. all on his own all the time. i just keep outta the way, dun know and dun care. best policy.
tired tired. my head and shoulders and back hurt. nite nite to all that are supposed to be asleep in singapore.
its come back again. that ol dream. but its different know. its as if, i woke up in a place and time where i was me, but everyone else i know is someone else.
12/15/2004 01:58:00 ip.
maanantaina, joulukuuta 13, 2004
today was not as crummy as yesterday. but i shall explain why yesterday was crummy.
let me see...when i said, i question myself, i mean MYSELF. so i don't appreciate smart asses (this has nothing to do with haz an oke, just so the two of you know) giving me answers which are :
1. incomplete
2. not helping
3. meant to be humourous but aren't
4. just meant to irritate me
5. just given to show how much a smart aleck you are.
so leave off, i will not entertain you, or your stupid answers.
huda, i'm so sorry i bothered you like that yesterday. you were prolly busy or something, but i don't know how to work out what you told me to do. nv have been able to and also i don't think i ever will be able to.
but back to today. the less crummy and smartaleck-free day. the school day. the history day. the day i get to wear a turtle neck sweater. the day where i hardly entertained anyone online. trust my faithful companion called 'finland in the middle ages' to save me.
yesterday was my grandparents golden wedding anniversary. 50 years. thats a long time to last. well, they had a cake and all. not much done yesterday.
today, woke up late, arnd 10 am? then i went to shower, got dressed, went to school. ran to school. thought i was late again. i always forget that there is a 15 minute break between lessons. just as i reached the bridge, the church bell started to toll, and that meant it was 12 nn and i ran the way to school. only to find that the other students were standing in the hallway waiting for class to start and sipping coffee. coffee machine is outside the classroom. how convenient. and they can drink coffee in class. how nice. so anyways, 1 hrs of eng, 2 hrs of history. both were pretty great. have homework too. so nice to write an essay aft so long. i mean an eng essay. eng was fun, had a couple of listening tasks. then aft that had a 15 min break, then history, abt the middle ages. the thing thats fun abt history is that half of our class in not in the same city. the other half in in imatra and we are in lappeenranta. if you're not clear how far the cities are frm each other, look up the map of finland on the net. so we use video conferencing during the lesson. and then when the break comes. well you don't have to imagine what happens when the teacher leaves the room, and left the video conferencing equiptment and a bunch of 16 yr old kids together.
one word : chaos. but chaos as in fun chaos. they toyed around with the equiptment. look at the class in imatra, look at the ppl. zoom in at them. then they zoom in on they're own image in our classroom which was projected on the board. and they stared playing with their own image. and thats when the teacher walked in. the poor guy didn't notice and well, didn't know that we were laughing at him since the speaker was turned off.
history in the middle ages was particularly interesting. abt the Swedes and the fight over Finn land. the pagan Finland and the crusades to convert ppl, by the Orthodox church and the Roman Catholic church. and the Papal Bull. and the most important reason that the Vikings wanted Finland or wanted to rob Finland. guess what it was. squirrel skins. yep, we laughed over it. and had the funniest conversation abt it. i like the schooling system here. its easy on the brain. and you absorb much more. then i ran home. yep, ran. i have daily exercise. running. its slippery but i run. its not really exercise. running just feels good now. in the cold. i don't have to care abt whether i fall, i'm not afraid of falling. i just want to run. run and run and run. just like the thoughts run through my head.
well, here i am. waiting. what i'm waiting for i don't know.
i need to say to you bro, thank you. for all you've done. been there for me no matter what, and i can say that i really really appreciate it. thank you, alot. and i miss you too.
12/13/2004 01:42:00 ip.
sunnuntai, joulukuuta 12, 2004
questioning myself :
am i alone?
if i'm not alone, why do i think i'm alone?
do adults feel alone too, or is this supposed to be a phase that i'm going through?
am i supposed to think this much as a kid?
am i far too mature for my age?
if not, why is it that ppl told me i'm far too mature for my age?
am i extroverted?
if so, why do i feel shy sometimes and why did my test results tell me that i'm introverted?
how come i don't like revealing too much abt myself, and keep posts vague?
how come i like to be secretive?
why do i be so nice sometimes when i should stand up for myself?
how come i feel that my family members saying 'i love you' to me is weird and unnatural?
is this another phase that i'm supposed to be going through?
are adults clearheaded or are they just as confused and muddleheaded?
how come i have clear priorities and that my friends say i'm clearheaded, but i feel the opposite?
how come i'm considered weird?
am i really that different, and if so, why don't i notice until i look into that shiny glass thing called the mirror?
do i really think that differently or do i just think differently from my friends?
how come i worry abt everything?
am i supposed to question myself this much?
or is it yet another phase teenagers are supposed to go through?
how come i don't know so much?
am i supposed to know this much?
or do i really know, but somehow can't retrieve the answer?
if anyone can come up with all the ans. pls contact me. if you read this and you don't know the ans yourself. then well, go and think, or if you find someone with answers, then contact me. thanks
12/12/2004 09:57:00 ap.
didn't do anything much yesterday. just woke up. went shopping came home. watched tv. slept.
bad case of bad feelings. if you see me online and i do not talk to you. i'm ignoring you. why? bcos if i start to talk to you and you ask me whats wrong, i'll bark at you. so dun disturb me. i need alone time. ALL THE TIME. until i say so, leave me alone. i want to figure this out myself. ALONE.
i got no more to say.
12/12/2004 09:33:00 ap.
lauantaina, joulukuuta 11, 2004
warm days.
another warm day. around 3 degrees Centrigrade.
i've been trying to correct that error in my posts. truth is, säsä is NOT saxsax, but its an error that makes it look that way. see, in the finn alphabet, there are three more letters, an a with two dots on top, an o with two dots on top, and another a with a large dot on top. the way words are said with these alphabets in them make them sound different and mean different things. so that saxsax is me trying to spell sasa with As that have two dots on top. just clearing that up.
yest. angry angry day. and dun ask. was in a horrid mood, and the icky feelings are still there. yes. beware. the icky feelings. so when i say i'm busy its means that the icky feelings are plaguing me, and that i do not wish to snap at you. so don't ask. remember that.
what else. oh yes, went to school. eng lesson. was kinda early and waited in the hall for the class to open. the rest of them were at the other end of the hall. elina saw me and they came over. didn't really talk to them since they didn't reall talk to me. felt kinda left out you know. so well, emma and her friend turned up and came over to chat. but too bad, the class opened before we could even talk properly. eng lesson was kinda funny. shared the book with nadya since i don't have one. anyways, they checked their homework. classes here aren't the same as those fast paced classes there. in fact, all the kids in the college i'm attending right now just started in august, almost all are sixteen and in the first grade or luokka in college, called lukio here. there are exceptions, one is 15 and another is 17. but the classes back in s'pore were so crammed. i still remember some chem lessons by mrs low where i couldn't take my eyes or ears or attention away frm her or i'd miss some impt point. but here, basically, everything is done slowly, there is a 15 minute break in between periods. and also, it isn't that hard not to pay attention and still get sometwhere. and the students here are still doing well, attaining like, best in the world for biology and second for math. and best for one more subject. their system pays off. really. it may be slower, but at least the students digest. and understand. classes are smaller, schools are smaller. *shrugs* i don't know how it works at all.
well, i had to ans some questions since they go round the class. then nadya didn't have this piece of work with her and i had to write it on the board. so the whole lot of us went up to the board and emma let me copy hers. it was this translation of finn sentences into eng. and i actually got it wrong. ah, too bad i have rusty finn and i didn't understand the sentence. i spotted the mistake, but i just let it be, and then i didn't bother when i got it wrong. thats definitely a first for me.
had to read this dialogue from a play "Educating Rita". that was the funny part. well, Rita, the so-called uneducated hairdresser speaks british slang. uses drop questions and stuff like that. so well, we had to act it out with a partner. and when we had the 15 min break, the guys behind me started to try to act it with a british accent. was hilarious. i just kept quiet but well, on the way home i burst into laughter on the street. they must have thought i had gone bonkers when i rushed out of class like that. i was trying to hold it in. already they have a heavy finn accent when they speak eng, and then they try to speak like a brit. enough about that. my tummy hurts already.
they asked me out on another outing last night, i gave them my number but i wasn't really feeling well in the evening when mitja called and isoaiti kinda talked to him so when i picked up, he told me he understands if i don't turn up, but that he and they rest would pick me up if i was feeling better later on. by the time i was it was kinda late, so i opted not to go. sorry guys.
this morning woke up to the smell of cinammon buns. isoaiti couldn't sleep so she had woken up at 5 and had nothing to do but bake. ruusu pulla, kaneli pulla and mustikka piirakka. translation : rose buns, cinammon buns and blueberry pie. and there was also raspberry juice. i attacked the juice, and tasted the pie. very nice. really.
now waiting to go out. i'm going to tread on water today. hopefully. have to ans the phone now. hmm
12/11/2004 09:41:00 ap.
perjantaina, joulukuuta 10, 2004
i have a feeling i'm getting worse. i don't like it either, but don't blame me. i can't stop it. just leave me alone
yesterday. went to school. no teacher appeared. eng lesson was cancelled. so we just played computer games in the computer lab. nothing more abt that. chatted with elina. showed her our school website. and she claimed, she'll nv complain about her school again. usually, i'll add a 'haha' here. i'm not in the mood for 'haha's. so if this post seems rather dreary and also very vague to you. then just shut up and bear it. dun tag me abt this post. or if you really can't bear it, then get lost. kapeesh?
what else. that gift i bought kalle was broken in its package. was untouched. so isoaiti called that man who sold it to us so that we could change it. we did change it. at least its not broken. i wasn't in the mood to shop. surprise surprise. so i just asked if we could walk around at the fort instead. it was dark. but i don't care. the lights were pretty. the sky had pretty red, blue green, swirling colours. not the fire fox/revontulet/aurora borealis. it was just the clouds and the lights. everything was pretty. but did i care? no. i didnt really care. so don't ask me if i took pics. i didn't.
came home. yogurt again, but guess what. i didn't eat it. was in no mood to eat yogurt yesterday. despite it being expensive in singapore and the probability that i will not eat it in singapore when i get back since i'll be broke. yea. i didn't eat it.
i couldn't really be bothered. so i watched Krisse. bimbos on screen tend to have a cheery effect on me. didn't work either. so i went to put up christmas decos. guess what. yep. the usual. it didn't work. so i chatted awhile with andrew. calmed my nerves a lil. so i went to sleep. now that thats over. i can finally do what i wish.
i'm reverting back to old ways. my worrywart ways that is. its sickening. but i can't do anything abt it. how can i be thought-free or worry-free. and don't start talking yoga with me. i can't just have a thought and let it go. its not me. millions of things clamouring abt in my head at a time. its a wonder i don't go mad. expect that of me soon. that i go mad. i don't know why its so noisy in my head when its not supposed to. i'm on holiday. i'm not a school. officially, not a school, and officially on holiday. but they still keep coming. mercilessly. i can't even pen down or blog everything out, bcos as i'm doing one thing, another thing comes zinging at me and hits me in the face. and then, when it comes to the single most easiest questions like what i'd like for a drink, i can't answer. not even a single idea. its sickening. its irritating. and its upsetting.
and that thing that i'm bothered abt has NOTHING to do with this. understood. and i thought you ppl weren't supposed to ask. so STOP.
i quote this actor last night on tv : "Is God in showbusiness too?"
think abt that
12/10/2004 08:28:00 ap.
torstaina, joulukuuta 09, 2004
slap slap slap
*slaps herself* marlz, you gotta get real. think awhile. stop and stand. i don't care how and where. just stop and think. get real get real.
note to self : slap marlz more often.
the reason for that, i'm not going to tell. i've just realized something. i've let something get on, and its gone too far. its nothing to do with family, its nothing to do with finland or the ppl i met here, and nothing to do with friends. but its something abt me. i've gotta think awhile. dun ask me whats wrong. or whats bothering me. no pt asking bcos i won't tell. the end of this issue on this blog is at the following full stop.
i might as well just update. so well, yest. cleaned up awhile. dusted the mats. vacuumed. mopped. wiped. blah blah. then Suvi, isi's old friend's daughter came to fetch me at 2.30. talked awhile at home then we gals went shopping. yep, she had some christmas pressies to search for and also i had this bag in mind that i wanted to buy for nona. so well, we went round town. walk here and there. had a blast trying hats on. and also we looked at clothes. had this great discussion on how often i wear black, which is, almost always. sure, i can fancy clothes of various colours, but i'm nv brave enough to don them. so i stick to black. and black is ok on me too. we're good buddies now. haha.
we also went to the kirpputori and marimekko shop. well. i thought of getting a marimekko bag for nona. but the thought was chased far far away aft i discovered the price of a marimekko bag. seriously, if you want one, then you wouldn't want to know the price. and i shall not shatter the dreams of the many girls and women who desire such a bag. so i shan't reveal it. continue dreaming, and then aft you've had your fill of that, then check out its price.
so we went to a couple of stores twice. finally, i decided on this fuschia bag that big, but not oversized. and it did cost me some money, but well, its worth it. guess she'll like it too. suvi bought some socks for her mom and dad as xmas presents at marimekko and also a pair of black pants for herself.
we contemplated going to this place near rosso's called coffee house for some, well, coffee. but aft i remembered how much it cost my classmates on the previous night out, we headed to a pretty safe venue. macdonalds. seriously, what the mac serves here is diff from what the mac serves there. i mean, in singapore you have the Big Mac. fair enough. guess what i discovered here. the Big Big Mac and the Grando El Maco. haha. what an upgrade. then there was also the McRuis and goodness knows what else. the toilets aint free either. talk abt high cost of living. so we both bought McFlurries. same name, same ice cream, different flavour. i had licourice! isi's gonna be so jealous. chatted awhile and then we went home, invited her up and she looked at some photos, then had tea and a chat with isoäiti. she decided to go home and her mom was picking her up at the library so i accompanied her there and waited with her. and i do know my way already around this town, so i won't get lost ok? aiyoh.
was very warm last night. i was sweating in my room. so very irritating. got school today, kinda late in the aftnn, don't really have to bother abt waking up too early. i guess i'll end the update here.
you told yourself, not to get caught up in it and you didn't. you separated yourself from those ppl as much as possible. cut all communication btw them off. you let it stop then and there. or so you thought. pushing away one problem, and blocking it out, claiming it was non existant. it only brought on a bigger problem. and you cann't block this one. its impossible, and it is not within your power to. how could you claim that you were problem free? how could you claim you were ok? that small little problem you had. you kept it to yourself. you thought it nothing compared to the previous one. but it grew my friend, and now its something you can't handle at all. what can you do? what can i do? sit back and let it grow some more? or try fruitlessly, to right it?
12/09/2004 08:20:00 ap.
keskiviikkona, joulukuuta 08, 2004
well well, guess what. another slippery day. säsä just went out for his morning walk, and i'm blogging. but i digress, i promised to continue, and i shall.
so well, yest i left off at the the i went home aft sch. well, i just wanted to continue was abt (surprise surprise) the weather. yep, well, acherlie i wanted to talk more abt sch. since isi is dying to know. well, so what happened. i went to shc the second time, then i arrived outside my class and saw this note, telling all the history students to head to the computer lab. i stood there wondering awhile, until this girl from my class, Elina, came down and saw me. then she brought me to the computer lab at the other block. its not like oyu know the prcs blocks, very near to each other. its quite a distance from the block is was in. and the sch only has 2 blocks. yep. so well, we went to the other block and waited inside the com lab since there was no one there. and it started to snow again. lots of snow. humongous clumps of them. and by then, some ppl were in the class already. haha, climbed over tables and such. and then a grp of them ran out of the class and came back in, with snow stuck in their hair. laughing. haha, was quite funny, they seemed very excited.
so i kinda have to help out in this sorta project for history. they're doing a portfolio, so that they don't have to do the test. so well, i'm helping out for the portfolio. gonna get my book today. also have to do some research on the iron age.
sigh. so well, i went for a walk at the satama by myself. lakeside. so nice. alone you know. got time to observe nature. looked at the pretty trees with the water frozen on the branches. crystalline. then looked at the lake and the faraway island. the boats packed up like christmas packages, waiting to be opened and let go. set free from their icy prison. the lake has iced over, and is safe to walk on. but i din venture onto the lake myself. there's this misty silence about it. so beautiful that it feels almost a sin to disturb and intrude on that pregnant silence. yea. so nice.
i finally walked home and then blogged. din feel very well aft helping with lunch, so i swallowed an aspirin, watched some tv. otin kylmee kolloo. haha. dunno if thats how its spelt. tulin näläka, and otin ruokoo. i'm getting quite good at that. säsä taught me. haha. well. today i had some activity, woke up fine aft sleep. had this horrid dream abt band during the night. its something i would have deemed good before, but well, i think its bad now. andrew will understand =) had yogurt for breakfast. yum. and then ran down to fetch the pillow isoäiti dropped from the balcony.
last night i heard this shouts and i was kind of frightened. was trying to sleep. so i went out of my room. säsä was watching tv in the living room. so i told him that there was a fight out on the street. haha, we had a blast watching. some drunk kids forma party. two were drunk and fighting, shouting and pushing each other and the other two just stood there and watched. and shouted. "no, lyökää nyt!" haha. so well, it was pretty comical. very funny.
i have to end off for now, have to get ready and also help isoäiti. till next time, tata
12/08/2004 08:44:00 ap.
tiistaina, joulukuuta 07, 2004
golly. just got back frm school.
back to the neverending topic of the loathesome weather. sigh. so well, its 0 degees Centrigrade. so its wet. wet. wet. do you know how bad much bad luck i have? not that i believe in this whole luck thing, but well. how can it be so much of a coincidence?
as kalle knows, i'm the last person in the family who he will ask out for cycling since it always rains cats and dogs the moment we get to the second traffic light. so well, i was almost late for my meeting with the principal and i ran to school, and i merely thought of cycling, that it would be faster. and it starts snowing. huge clumps of snowflakes in my face. they got caught in my hair, in my eyelashes, i think even my eyebrows. that wasn't so bad. at least i din feel bad. so i continued running and as i was crossin the bridge the wind came right in my face. how pleasant, you might think. but well, it isn't pleasant to me to have the sensation on my left cheek of many tiny knives hitting me in the face. it stung. and you must imagine me running into the school yard, with snowflakes in my hair, my face yet and red. and guess who i bump into? the principal itself. oh gosh. what luck.
oh well, i guess i am quite lucky that the principal is nothing like mrs teo. he's tall, quite young, courteous and also not bad looking. meaning, good looking for his age. he looked at me, gave a smile. said, 'hi, so you're here, lets go inside' in finn, opened the door for me. then opened the staff room door for me, and asked me to wait. and he said nothing abt my now-drenched hair, or my red face. so i took advantage of the mirror in the staff room, cleaned up as best as i could and went in with him. then intro myself, blah blah. he wished me a good time in the school and welcomed me. and i ran home to change. and do something abt my hair before the next lesson. thank gdness for nice principals!
next lesson was history. i changed up, put on my jacket and WALKED to school. it didn't snow, it didn't rain. and i had a smooth journey. went to class, met elina, then we went to the computer lab in the next block. had our lesson, looked through the internet. met with all my classmates again. let them see a pic of our sch uniform. they were quite wild. it started to snow huge clumps again. and some of them ran out without jackets into the yard. came back in with snow clumps on their head. haha. very funny. then we did some research. took down some stuff and chatted. then went home.
so. hmm. my share of 'kate and leopold' last nite. sooo nice. i laughed my head off. well. aft that was seinfield, or something like that. quite funny also. gtg help isoäiti. more later
12/07/2004 01:54:00 ip.
maanantaina, joulukuuta 06, 2004
well well
well well, haven't been posting in the last two days. mainly bcos of two reasons. the first is that i was too lazy and the next is that i was too tired.
even this morning i woke up kinda of late. arnd 10 am. thats prolly since i stayed up till midnight writing letter and postcards to the beloved in the ol' sunny island called singapore. yep. its all for you ppl, so don't complain. =p
so what happened. on saturday aft hanging out on fri night i woke up late. (hmm, now where did i hear that phrase before?) and we had to go to some war veteran's independance day celebration bcos my grandparents are war veterans. so well, as you brilliant ppl have probably guessed by now, i was the total odd one out. the soldier at the doorway gave me this odd stare when i came in and when he took my coat from me. and then at the tables i had elderly citizens of finland left right and centre. yep, total odd one out. the entire event was kind of boring and i engaged myself by staring out the window at the falling snow and looking blankly at all the speakers while dreaming of what i would be doing if i wasn't there. but my grandparents obviously enjoyed my presence and so did their friends, as i observed by their comments. its was, "ai, kun ihana!" and "onpas se kiva" everytime i was introduced. hmm, i managed to get through it. the military band and their performance definitely did help. they filled the hall even though they had one per instrument, and they gave a confident and rather good performance. the horn and clarinet were definitely best, and the tuba could have given more support to the bass line. reminds me of our band before, all the support came from the eupho while the tubas were mewing away in the back. but they were definitely much better.
aft the whole boring thing they served sweet rice porridge, which is considered a treat here. and some pulla, cookies and coffee. i fidgeted and fidgeted and eventually we went home. the place itself was nice. an army camp apparently and all the buildings were old and very beautiful. i loved the walk back home.
sunday i woke up kinda late (ahem) and then had tea. found that my lips were bleeding even though i use lip balm. sigh. vanity is almost a necessity here. if you're looking for an excuse to be vain, here's a tip : go to a cold dry place. its all lip creams, hand creams, face creams, lotions, lipstick, lip balm, lip gloss. and i get off easy since i'm more brown than ppl here. they have to paint their faces to hide the pale skin. i don't. but still, i can't excape the all-important lip balm and body lotion. thats a must. and did i mention that my hair is static? its really silly looking, i put on my hat and try to smooth down my hair but it keeps standing up. and i have natural blusher too : the cold. i look like a baby doll plus rudolph gone wrong. sigh. so i had to get some medicine for the cracks on my lips. thank goodness they are much better now.
as i was saying. sunday i went to this fair at the old fort. its for christmas, kind of a pasar malam? i managed to get kalle a souvenier already. hoping to find one for nona soon. we also looked at the muikkuja, this kind of fish, and bought them. then i bought laku! very nice. so many flavours, but trust me to take only salmiakki. laku is this long thick shoelace like sweet. something like lakritsi, or licourice. so nice! i love salty sweets, too bad can't get them in singapore. i'm gonna bring loads home. we walked around and saw many things. met many ppl also. säsä wasn't feeling too well, so he din follow, but it was so promising weather in the morning. then trust things to go wrong and then it started to rain, and there was fog. not nice at all.
so that leads to today. today is the real independance day for finland. the 87th to be exact. well. had this mini celebration at home. the flag is put up everywhere, and soon i can light the candles in the window. will see that everywhere in finland. flags and blue and white candles in the windows. really nice. serenity.
so well, i have to leave off here since i have to bake piparkakku today. and well, there is also kate and leopold on tv tonight. so nice. looking forward to that. so till next time, loadsa hugs and kisses to all at home and to my friends.
12/06/2004 11:02:00 ap.
perjantaina, joulukuuta 03, 2004
way cool!
ok. the weirdest thing happened just as i published the last post. really cool, though.
why din i say earlier? well, its my official sauna day and i was also cooking porridge and i was whisked off to the sauna.
but what happened exactly. well, when i published my blog last it was 2 hrs aft school. i hardly knew anyone. and as i published it, i got a call through isoäiti's phone. this guy was on the phone. said he was from my class. i didn't even know who he was. and he asked me out for dinner with the rest of the grp. well, how can i refuse? so isoäiti said yes, and we arranged to meet in front to macs at 7 pm.
weird. that someone would actually FIND your telephone number though you don't have one listed and ask the the school teacher if there is any way of contacting you after a half an hour session at school. weird. i was kinda scared.
so at 7 i went with säsä to the place. we met with this other exchange student from Germany, Mitya the guy who called me, and two other guys. then we headed to this sushi place. yea. so when we arrived, we waited for Nadya, this girl who sat next to me in class. and one other guy who apparently, is always late. so well. it was kinda funny. they were way cool and asked many questions and tried to make me feel comfy. the food was so expensive!! anyways, the waitress looked at us funny when we said we were ordering one plate for seven ppl. yep. one. you do the math. it cost around 25 euros. and the plate had arnd 7 diff sushi on it. it came with one plate of rice and one bowl of miso soup. the service was bad though, it took like, 40 min before our plate arrived. and i taught them how to use chopsticks. haha. the funny thing was, most of them had never had sushi. or were too small when they last had it to remember. so we took a long time to order. and also, some of them were afraid to put it in their mouth before the rest of us did. funny. we laughed alot. and they were wondering what sushi was what. my japan hour watching definitely came in handy. i successfully identified all the sushi types. thank you to äiti for the lovely coaching.
well, we went next to this coffee house down the street. and we chatted there and waited for the last girl to arrive. some had coffee and pie. and we laughed. again. loads.
and the last part right. its the coolest. they suggested we go to this place down the road. to play games. at first i thought it was an arcade. but they said it was some other place to hang. so anyways, we went there and it was this place with sofas and tables and board games. card. *ahem* but no gambling allowed. to apparently, ppl can buy anything that there is there. the tables, the mats, the tv, the books on the shelves, the games, the paintings on the wall, heck, even the wallpaper was game. but the cool thing was the place it self. black metal. heavy rock music. and the 'experimental music'. haha. private joke, sorry. so anyways, everything was 'experimental'. even the paintings. it was dark. and ppl kept walking in and out. it was like the convention for goth. our group was the total odd one out. every one else that walked in was dressed in black leather, sported black hair, most of the time a mohawk. they had multiple piercings, shrieked at the top of their voices, black eyeliner, heavy make up. way cool. but we kept to ourselves, thank you very much. they were surprised to hear that i din play cards. hehe. as in real card games. and well, nadya and the other girl settled at chess. and the rest of us hung out, chatted, and played this board game that makes no sense whatsoever. but it was fun. at 10 i decided to ask what time were they planning to leave, so they said at 12 midnite. isoäiti had already called, so i walked home ferz. said byebye. haha. way cool.
had loadsa fun tonite. but well, gotta settle back to normal routine. was new and way cool. i really should stop saying that. its as if i lack vocabulary. i don't. just that i'm kinda overwhelmed.
sauna was fun. yea. now i have to sleep. or i'll be up all night in front of the ol black box. nitenite to all. till next time,
12/03/2004 08:43:00 ip.
well, just back from school. left an impression on me.
most of the kids there are my age, but bcos of the dress code, they look older. i'm still used to our school uniforms you know. they're sch is small, buy our sg standards. most of th classes, on ave have around 20 students. my class now has 17 students. compared to the 40 at prcs, it seems small. the school has a total of 400 students there, and they have to change classrooms. think american highschool. you have the popular kids. the cliques. the goths (which is particularly numerous) and also the punks. my class is made up of the normal ones, which is nice for me.
the school is separated into 2 buildings. one is bsically for languages and the labs. the other is for the cafeteria and the com lab, music rm and also the sc rooms. handphones, and weird dressing as well as funny hair is allowed. but once you get to know them it isn't too bad.
i noticed i couldn't help but speak singlish. ok, so my eng is that bad. but well, i do slip in the occassional lah and "oh yar hor" better stop that, and check myself. or they wouldn't get a word i'm saying. emma was nice, and there are a couple of mutts in the class as well. so i'm not as left out as i thought.
next week gotta talk abt sch. i think i'm gonna bring my sch pe t shirt. which i brought. haha. and also the sch handbook. which i also brought. and talk abit abt the sg sch system.
i got my hse key today! hung it around my neck. well, gtg cook my porridge.
12/03/2004 11:49:00 ap.
*yawns* mann, i'm sleepy. today is day 3 of joulu odutus, or the christmas wait. burnt my candle aft tea yesterday and opened my new chocky today. happens to be a mint chocky. nice. anyways, i'm sleepy cos i slept way too late watching this ghost story on tv, and then aft that i watched some show on cheating partners. woke at around 12.30 pm singapore time. which makes it 8.30 am here. looked through the kalevala jewels again. real cool.
today the temperature has dropped back to a nice comfy -8 degrees centigrade. and the snow isn't melting and the sun is up. lots of light today. nice. and i hope its windy too. and it won't be slippery. yay.
gosh i really fancy the bronze kalevala ring. but it costs so much. around 40 euros? thats quite hefty a preice for my pocketses.
most likely will go for class today. english. haha. can't stay away from my fave subject can i now?
talking about slippery roads. well, that day säsä and i were walking home from the kaupungki and guess what happened. well, thsi guy came walking up the lane towards us. gave me a lil stare. and since the pavement is small, he tried to run out of our way so that we could pass. and that was a huge mistake. well, he slipped, badly. it was a wet day, the road was iced over and he nearly had a bad fall. yep, NEARLY. säsä and me both reached out to stop him frm falling, but you know what. we didn't have to. he somehow pivoted himself on his leg that slipped, and swung his upper body wildly, and by some fluke, managed to get himself upright. and he just continued walking as if nothing happened. well, säsä and me were both quite shocked. and you know what, when we asked if he hurt himself he just shrugged and said "no, i guess" in finn. weird. then when we had walked some distance it all sunk in and we burst into laughter.
just had my daily instalment of gilmore girls (ahahaha, nona you're not the only one who gets to watch it) and there is a tv in my room, i get to watch anything and everything i want. hahaha
my pics came yesterday!! and oh yea, there are many of my standard pics *ahem* of my back. yep. in fact most of them are of my back. but i took quite a number of pics of the scenery, and will post them when they are scanned, since i can't quite work the scanner. some guy will be coming over to help.
last night i laughed my head off when trying to tell isoäiti abt kalle's impression of isi's 'bug story'. well, i couldn't. only resulted in tears and a very bad tummy ache. but it was really funny. here's roughly how it was told.
" i was just cycling in the park and a HUGE bug. was so HUGE. then it bit my leg and my leg FLY!!. then my helmet FLY! and my bicycle FLY!´"
some of you won't get it. but i won't explain. perhaps ranjani and oke and laughing over this. perhaps not. they've not heard the original. but its hilarious. and i shan't reveal more. only when i come back. *sticks tongue out*
ppl are so scared. i don't guess why. i admit, i get insecure at times. but i'm not scared of everything around me, or of change.i really hated it in school during those times when my classmates insist that i do something. bcos they are scared or shy. i mean, what's the worse that can happen? you are embarrased? you face something new? it becomes something that you remember? its not as if those things they asked me to do were going to affect their entire lives. gosh. i hate to think of those times. is change, and something new always bad? i don't think so. if change had been so bad, would we even possess the technology and the new knowledge of the world we have now? just think about it. if you're so afraid to do something like that, to be in that situation that is new to you. to be out of your comfort zone. just tell me, how will you ever discover new things? to be in your safe zone all the time is not real and not practical. and i will never think of forever. and i applaud my friend jake on this. he says change is his style. he embraces change. i think that is what we should all do. tradition is something that we can always keep, record and remember. but we can always cherish those memories and practice them once in a while. and when change does come around, we can make new traditions to keep, record and remember.
aft i've said my piece, i think i'll be able to sleep well tonight. *sighs contentedly*
gd aftnoon to all and till next time tata.
12/03/2004 08:11:00 ap.
torstaina, joulukuuta 02, 2004
another london day
well today is another of my so-called london days. its damp, its dark, and cold and a fog descends upon the land that refuses to go away. sigh. what weather.
so we went out early morning bcos the poison man aka exterminator was coming to poison the house. so i woke early, shifted the things, put on my shoes, my gloves and my jacket and away we go. so we went to milja täti's house. gave her a shock. isoäiti went to hide and put me in front of the door. when she opened it, she didn't realize who i was, and just said gd morning and waited for me to state my business. unfortunately, i didn't have any business, so i just smiled and she looked at me. until i couldn't take it any longer and i called isoäiti out. then she realised who i was and then she gave a huge bear hug. her house is so nice. really. and you can see the church clock tower just outside the window. she offered us piparkakku (gingerbread) and glögi (a warm spiced xmas drink). both were really good. so we chatted until around 12 nn and then we went back home.
cleared up, cooked. then went to read my jane austen. and then i slept.
well. i don't worry here, since i'm on holiday. ok. i lie. i do worry. but its not the excessive worrying that happens when i'm not on holiday. i worry abt trivial things. nothing worth mentioning really.
funny, how no matter how far i am from s'pore, all my dreams take place in s'pore. home is where the heart is, definitely. and home is where my family and friends are. i guess thats why i never let go, and even though i find my real homeland where i'm a citizen beautiful in every way. i think my dreams will always be placed in s'pore. thats a thought.
more updates later. i got tea waiting.
12/02/2004 03:52:00 ip.
keskiviikkona, joulukuuta 01, 2004
wet wet not wild
slippery slip slip slip...
it was a wet wet wet day. and uncommonly warm for finland. around 0 degrees Centigrade. and that means that the snow on the road melts and that it is slippery. and what made it worse was that it rained water. rained water. mann. and you know what. the roads iced over, and so did the pavements. making it slippery.
so i went to school. thank goodness i didn't have to start the term yet. turns out that lessons there are conducted in English. hahaha. thats to my advantage. i'm supposed to go tml, but well. its my hols for gdness sake, and i refuse to go. yep, i'm adamant about it. well, my timetable aint that bad. i don't have to do any tests like the rest, and i don't have to worry about homework either. and i don't have to go when i don't feel like it either, so its basically an on-off thing. and anyways, most of my lessons start at around 12 nn, and last, at most, 3 hrs. no longer. and i only study 3 subject. Finnish history, English and Biology. well, bio is quite and easy subject, so i was ok with it. Finnish history was my g.parents choice. and English, well. it is my fave subject, so although their eng standard is much lower, i'll join the class anyways. the eng teacher also requested that i join in, so that i can help. and the lunch in the cafeteria is absolutely free. which is a good thing. and its vegetarian meals for me mostly here bcos of the food not being halal and such. but its ok, i cope with that since most ppl *ahem* know my eating habits. hahaha. veli, i guess you know what i mean.
so here's my timetable :
monday : 10.00-11.00 BIOLOGY
12.15-13.15 ENGLISH
13.15-15.15 HISTORY
tuesday: 8.55-10.00 ENGLISH (optional extra lesson)
13.15-14.15 HISTORY
wednesday: 12.15-14.15 BIOLOGY
thursday : 12.15-13.15 BIOLOGY
13.15-15.15 HISTORY
15.15-16.15 ENGLISH
friday : 12.15-14.15 ENGLISH
and the other to days are absolutely free. ang is totally optional, so that may leave my fridays free as well. not too bad for college aye. and the school is just a walking distance from here.
i was quite tired by the time we had settled everything. and i was also kinda annoyed since i noticed the stares. i'm a mutt. mixed breed. in s'pore i'm too ang moh, in finland, i'm too dark. so where exactly do i fit in? ans : NOWHERE. you know why? bcos i'm a mutt. therefore i invite stares wherever i go. talk abt ppl having open minds in these time. yea right. i stick right out like a sore thimb. bleah.
came home and slept a lil. then in the evening i drank some tea, listened to the finn equivalent of perfect 10, that is, energy : only hits allowed. and then i watched olivers twist, as in that cooking show with my fave cook jamie oliver in it, and then i looked at some photos. which reminds me that my photos will be ready for collection tml. excited to see what happens.
for now, its already 11.15 pm and most of you will be sound asleep since its 5.15 am there. and so i will now retire to my bed. to all a goodnight.
12/01/2004 08:56:00 ip.
letsee...what happened yesterday?
yest morning i woke up with a start. i was having a lovely dream and suddenly...BANG. this loud noise made me jump out of my bed. the shelf at the head of my bed had toppled at 6 am. gosh. so i put it back up and tried to clean the stuff. but i had no idea what went where, and so i left it and went to sleep. and frm that time onwards, for the rest of my sleep. i dreamt a horrid dream of HIM. *argh* sickening. so i woke up at 8 aft that dream and told isoäiti what happened. she only laughed at me. haha. i guess it was kind of funny. but well. how unfortunate. we cleaned it up aftwards.
i got a christmas calender!! for the benefit of those who don't know what it is, its acherlie this calender where you peel off the days like a countdown to xmas. it starts on the 1st of December and the last day you peel off is either 24th or 25th, depending on what type of calender you get. so anyways, isoäiti gave me this beautiful xmas calender. and its an extra special one. instead of seeing pretty pic when i peel off the numbers, (today i peeled off number one), i get chockies instead. mann, way cool! and i also got a christmas candle. the days are marked onto the candle and you get to burn a part of it each day. nice right?
so well, i'm off to school today. college. and that boy they are matchmaking me to? bad news, he's in that school as well. sigh. have to watch out.
well. yesterday i went to the old eng playschool that i was from. amazing that my teacher i still there. anyways, its a nice place, and it was good weather to walk in, so we went to see the school and the teacher. the kiddies were running round the playground. so cute. and i FINALLY got some pics taken. they are being developed right now and will be ready on thursday. have to see if they are spoilt at all.
haha, maybe ben is jealous right now. cos i met loadsa ppl who are frm black metal bands. and they play the drums. lalala. well, the teens here are very into vandalism. yep. vandalism. horrible. it spoils my pics.
so well, i gtg now, get ready for school *bleah*
till next time, tata
12/01/2004 08:06:00 ap.